Photo of Fukuoka

Photo of Fukuoka
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are proud to announce that the 12th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Micro and Nano Analysis will be held in Fukuoka, Japan during August 29 – September 1, 2018. This is a biennial event and alternately organized in Japan and Poland: Warsaw (September, 1997), Kyoto (December, 1998), Krakow (July, 2000), Toyama (November, 2002), Niedzica (August, 2004), Toyama (September, 2006), Warsaw (September, 2008), Kyoto (September, 2010), Sieniawa (September, 2012), Sapporo (October, 2014), and Gniew (September, 2016).
Since the physical properties of materials strongly depend on atomic arrangements and the distribution of impurity atoms, it is of technological importance to obtain structural and chemical information at the atomic scale for developing new structural and functional materials. This seminar is aimed at discussing recent progresses in structural and chemical analyses using microscopy and microanalysis techniques and their application to the field of materials science. This seminar will also provide an opportunity for scientists to establish valuable contacts, develop international collaborations and improve their international cooperative projects.
Fukuoka is the largest city on Kyushu island, which is counted among the eight major cities in Japan. This city has played an important role for the entrance of Asian continental culture since ancient times, because of its geographical and historical characteristics. The Organizing Committee members and the people of Fukuoka welcome you and wish you a pleasant stay.
Manabu Ishimaru (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Tomasz Goryczka (University of Silesia, Poland)